Cyber bullying Awareness
Cyber bullying: Purely Evil
Words are powerful. They are like knives that could possibly kill you. One word affect someone's emotional health or the way he or she see things in life. One word can boost someone's spirit. One word may end someone's life.Not only in the internet world but in the real word as well. Yehuda Berg, an author one said; “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” I agree to what Yehuda Berg has said, words are really powerful.
Cyber bullying causes depression or worst, suicide. According to Bullying Statistics; "Depression affects both bullies and their victims. Victims of cyber bullying may be at even higher risk for depression. Researchers have discovered a strong link between bullying and depression. Teens who commit suicide often suffer from depression. Experts hesitate to say that bullying is a direct cause of suicide, but it may be a factor in a teen’s depression." You see, this act or concept can bring sadness to the victims, perhaps, a hindrance to happiness, because everybody knows about it.The bullies throws hateful comments to the a certain victim or victims, not only by through using social media but in real life as well.
A victim's emotional growth will be affected. It's not easy to handle these kind of situations. They take drugs to save themselves, to forget the pain, to be naive. According to On-Belay House Anthony Louis Center; "Substance abuse may include alcohol and drugs being used as an 'escape' for the person being bullied. Social isolation, feelings of powerlessness, and depression may also be triggered by cyberbullying."
We need to end this kind of act. A lot of people end their lives. A lot of people questions their existence. Instead of throwing some awful or shady comments about them, why not just keep it to yourself? Or why not compliment them? Right? This world could be a better place if we treat each other good. Always choose to be kind, to love no matter what happens. Lastly, social media users should also be careful too.
- All photos were retrieved from Google Images.
replace ur photos with informative ones thendo cite sources and where u retrieved them from.