Essence of Family Day In My Teenage Life
Family is a single word which has different meanings. Everybody has a lot of ways in defining family and what being part of a family means to them as well. Though each member of a family has his or her own beliefs, opinions and many other facets, but what every family has in common is that the people that are part in the family are making it clear that those other people that are part of it is important and that they are being loved. What is the essence of Family Day? Well for me, family day gives parents or any family members and their children to celebrate the real meaning of what it is to be a family and also to spend quality time with each other by participating in the said activities. Family day its like the day where every member has a chance to catch things up with their children, it is a day also where everyone is loosen up in mind and body. As a grew older, I've realized some things. Things such as "Time is go...